
儲存與還原視窗跟分頁的瀏覽狀態。並支援自動儲存功能。○Saveandrestorewindowsandtabs○Managesessionswithnameandtags○Autosavewhenwindowis ...,2023年12月5日—總覽.GetopentabURLsforwindow,orloadalistofURLsintonewtabsonthiswindow.Getopentab ...,Setasideyourcurrentlyopentabstoquicklyreopenthemlater.Letsyoueasilysaveyourcurrentlyopentabstoquicklyrestorethemlater.,Overview.One-clickdownloadforfilesfromope...

Tab Session Manager

儲存與還原視窗跟分頁的瀏覽狀態。並支援自動儲存功能。 ○ Save and restore windows and tabs ○ Manage sessions with name and tags ○ Auto save when window is ...


2023年12月5日 — 總覽. Get open tab URLs for window, or load a list of URLs into new tabs on this window. Get open tab ...

Save Chrome Tabs For Later

Set aside your currently open tabs to quickly reopen them later. Lets you easily save your currently open tabs to quickly restore them later.

Tab Save

Overview. One-click download for files from open tabs, lists of URLs, or scholarly article PDFs from their associated DOI.

How to save chrome tab groups?

2021年12月27日 — tab-groups-save works while Chrome is running but doesn't seem to save state through an application restart. Anyone one know how to fix that?

Save a group of tabs as an instance for better task ...

2023年2月5日 — Open a new tab in your Chrome browser and type chrome://flags in the search field. · Type tab groups in the search field on top. · Next to Tab ...

Chrome v.95 瀏覽器終於可以把標籤頁分組並收藏了

2021年8月23日 — 在地址欄中輸入「chrome://flags/#tab-groups-save」,找到Tab Groups Save 標記,選擇「已啟用」並重新啟動瀏覽器。 最後右鍵單擊標籤組標題,將會看 ...

How to Save All Open Tabs in Google Chrome

If you come across a tab you want to save, the simplest option is the keyboard shortcut Cmd + D (Mac) or Ctrl + D (Windows) to save it as a bookmark. You can ...

How to create and save Chrome tab groups

2024年3月5日 — Manage your tab groups · Toggle Save Group on if you want to keep the group available. · Select New Tab in Group to create a new unused tab.